
Nγ-Acetyl-L-diaminobutyric acid

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4-N-acetyl-2,4-diaminobutyric acid
Melting Point
218 - 223 °C (dec.)

Study on Microbial Degradation of 4-N-Acetyl-2,4-Diaminobutyric Acid

Rumen microbes to degrade Acacia angustissima diamino acids such as ADAB. McKie, M. Robertson, et al. Animal feed science and technology, 2004, 117(3-4), 179-195.

4-N-Acetyl-2,4-diaminobutyric acid (ADAB) and tannins are antinutritional factors found in Acacia angustissima. Among them, ADAB is the acetylated form of myristodiaminobutyric acid (DABA). This work investigated the ability of African ungulate microorganisms to degrade ADAB found in Fennel angustifolia leaves as well as purified ADAB and DABA.
Experimental design and results related to ADAB
· Microorganisms from various animal sources were used in the study. Dried A. angustissima leaves were incubated with rumen or hindgut fluid containing 3 g/L ADAB or 3 g/L DABA for degradation analysis. Ammonia and volatile fatty acid production along with substrate disappearance were measured to assess degradation. Various microbial species were isolated from samples showing substrate degradation.
· Impala rumen fluid exhibited the highest ADAB degradation, with only 4.17 μM residual ADAB remaining. Hartebeest rumen fluid showed no degradation of ADAB, leaving all the substrate undegraded. The adapted sheep rumen fluid degraded 0.980, Grant's gazelle rumen fluid degraded 0.922, and impala rumen fluid degraded only 0.101 of the ADAB.
· A total of eight ADAB-tolerant bacterial strains were isolated, but individually, they did not show significant ADAB degradation. However, when all eight bacterial isolates were combined, they were able to degrade 0.827 of the ADAB substrate.

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