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Earth Patina

Catalog Number: ACMA00027049

Molecular Formula: Fe2O3+Fe3O4+silicateAl&Na

Dimethylsulfonazo iii[spectrophotometric reagent for alkaline earth metals and indicator for the precipitation titration of so4 with ba]

Catalog Number: ACM14979114

CAS: 14979-11-4
Molecular Weight: 716.69
Molecular Formula: C24H20N4O14S4

Rare earth naphthenates

Catalog Number: ACM61790203

CAS: 61790-20-3
Molecular Weight: 602.42200
Molecular Formula: 3(C11H7O2).Re

Rare earth carbonate

Catalog Number: ACM68037332

CAS: 68037-33-2

Rare Earth Fluoride

Catalog Number: ACM68188852

CAS: 68188-85-2
Molecular Formula: REF3

Rare earth chlorides

Catalog Number: ACM68188885

CAS: 68188-88-5
Molecular Weight: 400.658
Molecular Formula: RCl3?6H₂O


Catalog Number: ACM68909137

CAS: 68909-13-7

Bleaching Earth

Catalog Number: ACM70131509

CAS: 70131-50-9
Molecular Formula: SIO2, AL2O3, nH₂O

Fuller's earth, powder & granular

Catalog Number: ACM8031183

CAS: 8031-18-3
Molecular Formula: Fuller'


Catalog Number: ACM91053393

CAS: 91053-39-3
Molecular Weight: 60.084
Molecular Formula: O2Si

Ancient Green Earth

Catalog Number: ACMA00027038

Molecular Formula: SiO2,AI203,TI03Fe203,Mg),Ca03,Na20,Mn0,K20

Rose Earth

Catalog Number: ACMA00027039

Molecular Formula: Fe203,CaCO3


Catalog Number: ACM13778375

CAS: 13778-37-5
Molecular Weight: 60.084300 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: O2Si

Quartz crystal

Catalog Number: ACM15723407

CAS: 15723-40-7
Molecular Weight: 60.084300 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: O2Si

Bentonite, lime-activated

Catalog Number: ACM68333915

CAS: 68333-91-5
Molecular Formula: clay

7,7-Dimethyloctanoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM68412215

CAS: 68412-21-5
Molecular Weight: 172.265 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C10H20O2

Montmorillonite k 10

Catalog Number: ACM70131509-1

CAS: 70131-50-9
Molecular Weight: 0
Molecular Formula: H2Al2(SiO3)4-nH2O


Catalog Number: ACM7439943

CAS: 7439-94-3
Molecular Weight: 174.967g/mol
Molecular Formula: Lu;


Catalog Number: ACM7440279

CAS: 7440-27-9
Molecular Weight: 158.925g/mol
Molecular Formula: Tb;


Catalog Number: ACM7440304

CAS: 7440-30-4
Molecular Weight: 168.934g/mol
Molecular Formula: Tm;
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