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Sample Lot No.
July 02, 2024

Highly Effective Herbicide Solution
I recently tried out the pyroxasulfone herbicide solution and I must say, I am thoroughly impressed. Following the instructions provided with the product, I mixed the formulated pyroxasulfone with vermiculite in a 4:1 ratio and applied it to my crops. The results were incredible - the weeds were effectively controlled without causing any harm to my crops. I used a range of concentrations and found that even at the lowest concentration, pyroxasulfone was highly effective.

July 13, 2024

Highly Effective Weed Control with Pyroxasulfone
I recently used Pyroxasulfone for weed control in my fields and I am extremely impressed with the results. This product proved to be very effective in controlling a variety of weeds, even those that were resistant to other herbicides like S-metolachlor and acetochlor. Despite the high germination rates of the weeds in my area, Pyroxasulfone was able to completely eradicate them at a low dose of 120 g/ha. I highly recommend Pyroxasulfone for anyone looking for a reliable and efficient weed control solution.

Alfa Chemistry

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