

Catalog Number
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Molecular Weight
Molecular Formula

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Acrylamide appears as white crystalline solid shipped either as a solid or in solution. A confirmed carcinogen. Toxic by skin absorption. Less dense than water and soluble in water. May be toxic by ingestion. Used for sewage and waste treatment, to make dyes, adhesives. The solid is stable at room temperature, but upon melting may violently polymerize. Toxic, irritating to skin, eyes, etc.;Acrylamide solution, [aqueous] appears as a colorless aqueous solution of a solid. Often at a concentration of 40% (w/v). Spills can easily penetrate the soil and contaminate groundwater and nearby streams. Used for sewage and waste treatment and to make dyes and adhesives. Toxic, irritating to skin, eyes, etc. Produce toxic oxides of nitrogen when burned.;Acrylamide solution, [flammable liquid label] appears as a solution of a colorless crystalline solid. Flash point depends on the solvent but below 141°F. Less dense than water. Vapors heavier than air. Toxic oxides of nitrogen produced during combustion. Used for sewage and waste treatment, to make dyes and adhesives.;DryPowder; Liquid; OtherSolid;Solid;WHITE CRYSTALS.;White crystalline, odorless solid.;White crystalline, odorless solid.
2-Propenamide, homopolymer
Canonical SMILES
InChI Key
Boiling Point
189 °F at 2 mm Hg (EPA, 1998);192.6 °C;192.6 °C;347-572°F (decomposes);347-572°F (Decomposes)
Melting Point
>300 °C
Flash Point
280.4 °F (EPA, 1998);280 °F (NIOSH, 2016);280 °F (NIOSH, 2016);138 °C (280 °F) - closed cup;138 °C c.c.;280°F;280°F
greater than or equal to 100 mg/mL at 72° F (NTP, 1992);9.00 M;In water, 3.711X10+2 g/L at 20 °C; 4.048X10+2 g/L at 30 °C;Soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether and acetone;Solubility (g/100 mL) at 30 °C in: methanol 155; ethanol 86.2; acetone 63.1; ethyl acetate 12.6; chloroform 2.66; benzene 0.346; heptane 0.0068;WATER-SOL HIGH POLYMER;390 mg/mL at 25 °C;Solubility in water, g/100ml at 25 °C: 204 (very good);(86°F): 216%
Granular (Non-ionic)
Save irrigation and increase crop and fruit production.
Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances. Keep container closed when not in use.
Autoignition Temperature
464 °F (USCG, 1999);464 °F (240 °C);424 °C
Flake-like crystals from benzene;White crystalline ... solid;WHITE SOLID
Covalently-Bonded Unit Count
Hazardous decomposition products formed under fire conditions - Carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides (NOx).;Decomposes/polymerizes above 184 °F (85 °C) with release of ammonia and hydrogen gases.;Acrylamide may decompose with heat and polymerize at temperatures above 84 °C, or exposure to light, releasing ammonia gas.;When heated to decomposition it emits acrid fumes and /nitrogen oxides/.
EC Number
Exact Mass
Formal Charge
H-Bond Acceptor
H-Bond Donor
Heat of Vaporization
61.5-76.5 kJ/mol at 357-413 deg K
Heavy Atom Count
ICSC Number
-0.67 (LogP);log Kow = -0.67;-0.67;-0.78
Monoisotopic Mass
NSC Number
Other Experimental
Boiling point: 87 °C at 2 mm Hg; 103 °C at 5 mm Hg; 125 °C at 25 mm Hg; readily polymerizes at melting point or under UV light;Conversion factor: 1 mg/cu m= 0.34 ppm, 1 ppm = 2.95 mg/cu m;Stable at room temperature but may polymerize violently on melting;Viscosity 50% aqueous solution: 2.71 cP @ 25 °C;Heat of polymerization: 19.8 kcal/mol;Henry's Law constant = 1.7X10-9 atm-cu m/mol at 25 °C (est);Hydroxyl radical reaction rate constant = 1.1X10-11 cu cm/molecule-sec at 25 °C (est);Ozone reaction rate constant = 1.8X10-18 cu cm/molecule-sec at 25 °C (est);POLYACRYLAMIDES, FREE OF MONOMER, ARE INERT
Physical State
Rotatable Bond Count
RTECS Number
Stable under recommended storage conditions.;Thermally unstable. Polymerization may be caused by elevated temperature, oxidizers, or peroxides.;The chemical is stable in soln at room temperature does not polymerize spontaneously. Commercial solns of the monomer may be stabilized with hydroquinone, t-butylpyrocatechol, N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine, or other antioxidants.
UN Number
Vapor Density
2.45 (EPA, 1998) (Relative to Air);2.45 (Air = 1);Relative vapor density (air = 1): 2.45
Vapor Pressure
0.007 mm Hg at 68 °F (EPA, 1998);0.01 mmHg;0.9 Pa (7X10-3 mm Hg) at 25 °C;Vapor pressure, Pa at 25 °C: 0.9;0.007 mmHg;0.007 mmHg
2.71 cP at 25 °C /50% aqueous solution/

Polyacrylamide as a substrate for microbial amidases in soil

Mechanism of amidase catalyzed hydrolysis of a small amide and potential hydrolysis of PAM Kay-Shoemake, Jeanine L., et al. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 30.13 (1998): 1647-1654.

High molecular weight linear polyacrylamide (PAM) with anionic charge is added to agricultural soils as an anti-erosion additive. Studies have shown that soil microorganisms are able to utilize PAM as a nitrogen source and that inorganic nitrogen pools are altered in some soils treated with PAM. The potential role of hydrolytic amidase activity in the utilization of PAM for nitrogen by microorganisms was investigated. Intracellular and extracellular amidase activities were measured over time in enrichment cultures using PAM as the sole nitrogen source. Enzyme activity increased with cell growth and removal of N from PAM. Cell growth, nitrogen removal, and amidase production depended on readily available carbon in the medium. Amidase activity and substrate specificity were determined in enrichment cultures utilizing PAM exposed to various nitrogen sources. Polyacrylamide-specific amidase activity appears to be inducible rather than constitutive, as amidase activity was absent in cultures supplied with N only with ammonium nitrate, whereas significant activity was present when PAM was added as an amendment with or without ammonium nitrate.
Cultures amended with propionamide showed amidase activity specific mainly for this small amide substrate, whereas cultures supplied with PAM as the sole nitrogen source showed amidase activity specific for formamide, propionamide, and PAM. Amidase activity and substrate specificity were determined for PAM-treated and untreated farmland soils. Polyacrylamide-specific amidase activity was higher in PAM-treated soil (soil releasing 14.86 ± 14.0 pg NH4) than in untreated soil (CI soil releasing 1.02 ± 2.3 pg NH4); specific activity for low molecular weight amides was slightly increased or unchanged in PAM-treated soil compared with untreated soil. Aliquots (15 ml) were periodically removed from the cultures and centrifuged to separate cells from the supernatant. Protein content as well as intracellular and extracellular amidase activity were determined as described above using PAM as an amide substrate. In addition, separate supernatant samples were analyzed periodically to estimate the amount of N removed from the PAM and the amount of free NH:-N contained in the medium. At each sampling time, an aliquot (3 ml) of the cell-free supernatant was acidified to pH 5.5, placed on ice, and analyzed by ion chromatography to determine the amount of free NH4-N in the supernatant. To determine the amount of N remaining on the PAM in the medium, a subsample of the supernatant (1.5 ml) was hydrolyzed by adding 0.5 ml 12 H2O and incubating at 100°C for 30 min.

Biological applications of polyacrylamide

The polymerization of acrylamide. Yang, Tsung-Hua. Recent Patents on Materials Science 1.1 (2008): 29-40.

Polyacrylamide, a synthetic polymer derived from acrylamide monomer, was first introduced as a support matrix for electrophoresis. Later, due to its applicability and economy, polyacrylamide was widely used, ranging from microanalysis of proteins and nucleic acids to macro separation. On the other hand, there is growing interest in the potential of polyacrylamide as a biomaterial. Biological applications of polyacrylamide include (1) enzyme immobilization within polyacrylamide gels; (2) carriers for the delivery of drugs and bioactive compounds; (3) smart materials that can respond to stimuli; (4) polyacrylamide-based matrices in in vitro toxin removal methods; (5) non-absorbable soft tissue fillers for reconstructive surgery
Fine powder containing an enzyme is dispersed in a solution having a polymerizable monomer or prepolymer dissolved in an organic solvent, and the monomer or prepolymer is then polymerized to produce a gel. By optimizing the mesh size of the gel that forms the above-mentioned gaps, the enzyme immobilization rate is increased, the enzyme leakage rate is reduced, and the immobilization of a variety of different types of enzymes is achieved. Freeze-dried formate dehydrogenase (FDH) is embedded in polyacrylamide. First, 2.5 units of freeze-dried FDH are pulverized and dispersed in 2ml of dimethyl sulfoxide containing 360mg acrylamide and N, N'-methylenebisacrylamide. After polymerization, the gel thus formed is cut into a cube of about 0.2mm with a cutter, and washed by stirring overnight in 1 liter of 0.1M tris-hydrochloride buffer (pH 7.5), to realize the displacement of the solvent in the gel. The washed gel cube is filtered by suction to remove the washings. Thus, immobilized enzyme (3.3g) is obtained. The activity test of gel washing solution and immobilized FDH shows that the obtained immobilized enzyme does not have the leakage of enzyme substantially, and the activity of immobilized FDH is substantially the same as the activity during preparation.

What is the molecular formula of Polyacrylamide?

The molecular formula of Polyacrylamide is C3H5NO.

What is the CAS number of Polyacrylamide?

The CAS number of Polyacrylamide is 9003-05-8.

What are some synonyms for Polyacrylamide?

Some synonyms for Polyacrylamide are 2-Propenamide and homopolymer.

What is the boiling point of Polyacrylamide?

The boiling point of Polyacrylamide is 189°F at 2 mm Hg.

What are some typical applications of Polyacrylamide?

Some typical applications of Polyacrylamide are as a polymeric oil-displacing agent.

Does Polyacrylamide produce toxic oxides of nitrogen when burned?

Yes, Polyacrylamide produces toxic oxides of nitrogen when burned.

What is the physical state of Polyacrylamide?

The physical state of Polyacrylamide is a solid.

How should Polyacrylamide be stored?

Polyacrylamide should be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances. The container should also be kept closed when not in use.

Is Polyacrylamide toxic by skin absorption and ingestion?

Yes, Polyacrylamide is toxic by skin absorption and ingestion.

What are some uses of Polyacrylamide?

Polyacrylamide is used for sewage and waste treatment, to make dyes, adhesives, and as a polymeric oil-displacing agent.

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