90902-21-9 Purity
If you have any other questions or need other size, please get a quote.
Reference: [1] Patent: WO2016/71505, 2016, A1, . Location in patent: Page/Page column 39; 40
Reference: [1]Acta Chemica Scandinavica,1991,vol. 45,p. 212 - 215
Reference: [1] Synthetic Communications, 2013, vol. 43, # 7, p. 1023 - 1029
[2] Patent: TW2017/22896, 2017, A, . Location in patent: Paragraph 0014; 0015
Reference: [1]RSC Advances,2015,vol. 5,p. 5830 - 5845
Reference: [1]Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical communications,1982,p. 1319 - 1321
* For details of the synthesis route, please refer to the original source to ensure accuracy.