What is the molecular formula of 7,8,9,10-Tetrahydro-6H-indolo[2,3-b]quinoxaline?
The molecular formula is C14H15N3.
When was 7,8,9,10-Tetrahydro-6H-indolo[2,3-b]quinoxaline first created on PubChem?
It was created on 2011-11-16.
What is the molecular weight of 7,8,9,10-Tetrahydro-6H-indolo[2,3-b]quinoxaline?
The molecular weight is 225.29 g/mol.
How many hydrogen atoms does 7,8,9,10-Tetrahydro-6H-indolo[2,3-b]quinoxaline have that can act as a hydrogen bond donor?
It has 1 hydrogen bond donor.
What is the topological polar surface area of 7,8,9,10-Tetrahydro-6H-indolo[2,3-b]quinoxaline?
The topological polar surface area is 37.8 Å2.
Is 7,8,9,10-Tetrahydro-6H-indolo[2,3-b]quinoxaline a covalently-bonded unit according to PubChem?
Yes, it is a covalently-bonded unit.
What is the InChIKey for 7,8,9,10-Tetrahydro-6H-indolo[2,3-b]quinoxaline?
How many defined atom stereocenters does 7,8,9,10-Tetrahydro-6H-indolo[2,3-b]quinoxaline have?
It has 0 defined atom stereocenters.
What is the XLogP3-AA value of 7,8,9,10-Tetrahydro-6H-indolo[2,3-b]quinoxaline?
The XLogP3-AA value is 2.8.
How many defined bond stereocenters does 7,8,9,10-Tetrahydro-6H-indolo[2,3-b]quinoxaline have?
It has 0 defined bond stereocenters.