887775-83-9 Purity
887775-83-9 Purity
If you have any other questions or need other size, please get a quote.
Reference: [1] Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012, vol. 55, # 3, p. 1082 - 1105
Reference: [1] Patent: WO2010/66684, 2010, A2, . Location in patent: Page/Page column 58-59
Reference: [1] Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1984, # 5, p. 1079 - 1083
Reference: [1]Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions I,1984,p. 1079 - 1083
Reference: [1]Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2012,vol. 55,p. 1082 - 1105