79885-37-3 Purity
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Reference: [1]Meng, H.-H. B.; Dalton, L. R.; Wu, S.-T.
[Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology, Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 1994, vol. 250, p. 303 - 314]
Reference: [1]Praefcke, Klaus; Kohne, Bernd; Singer, Dirk
[Angewandte Chemie, 1990, vol. 102, # 2, p. 200 - 202]
Reference: [1]Zhang, Yifan; Schuster, Gary B.
[Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1994, vol. 59, # 7, p. 1855 - 1862]
* For details of the synthesis route, please refer to the original source to ensure accuracy.