462067-90-9 Purity
If you have any other questions or need other size, please get a quote.
Reference: [1]Location in patent: experimental part
Aridoss, Gopalakrishnan; Laali, Kenneth K.
[European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011, # 15, p. 2827 - 2835]
[2]Current Patent Assignee: MERCK & CO INC - WO2015/96035, 2015, A1
Location in patent: Page/Page column 61; 62
[3]Current Patent Assignee: MERCK & CO INC - WO2015/100147, 2015, A1
Location in patent: Page/Page column 62-63
Reference: [1]Brocklehurst, Katy J.; Broo, Anders; Butlin, Roger J.; Brown, Hayley S.; Clarke, David S.; Davidsson, Oejvind; Goldberg, Kristin; Groombridge, Sam D.; Kelly, Elizabeth E.; Leach, Andrew; McKerrecher, Darren; O'Donnell, Charles; Poucher, Simon; Schofield, Paul; Scott, James S.; Teague, Joanne; Westgate, Leanne; Wood, Matt J.M.
[Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2011, vol. 21, # 24, p. 7310 - 7316]
* For details of the synthesis route, please refer to the original source to ensure accuracy.