201140-05-8 Purity
201140-05-8 Purity
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Reference: [1] Patent: WO2005/37214, 2005, A2, . Location in patent: Page/Page column 121-122
Reference: [1] Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2000, vol. 8, # 8, p. 2085 - 2094
[2] Patent: WO2014/160668, 2014, A1,
Reference: [1] Patent: US2017/112833, 2017, A1,
Reference: [1]Patent: WO2005/37214,2005,A2 .Location in patent: Page/Page column 121-122
[2]Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry,2000,vol. 8,p. 2085 - 2094
[3]Patent: WO2014/160668,2014,A1 .Location in patent: Page/Page column 357