
Application Process

1. Search for a job

Search for a job

1. Search for a job

Browse jobs and search for roles that interest you.

2. Submit your application

Come to first interview

2. Submit your application

Prepare your application documents. Send your curriculum vitae (CV) and any other specified relevant documents to .

3. Prepare for an interview

Prepare for an interview

3. Prepare for an interview

Prepare to come to an on-site (or via phone/video call) interview.

4. Hear our decision

Come to first interview

4. Hear our decision

We will carefully consider your qualification for the role and inform you of our decision ASAP. We will inform our decision by sending an offer letter to the best matched candidate.

Alfa Chemistry

For product inquiries, please use our online system or send an email to .

Alfa Chemistry
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* I hereby give my consent that I may receive marketing e-mails with information on existing and new services from this company. I know that I can opt-out from receiving such e-mails at any time or by using the link which will be provided in each marketing e-mail.