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  • Simultaneous quantitation of 14 DNA alkylation adducts in human liver and kidney cells by UHPLC-MS/MS: Application to profiling DNA adducts of genotoxic reagents

Simultaneous quantitation of 14 DNA alkylation adducts in human liver and kidney cells by UHPLC-MS/MS: Application to profiling DNA adducts of genotoxic reagents

Tang Y, Wang Z, Li M, et al

Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, 2019, 166: 387-397

A rapid, sensitive and wide coverage ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) method has been developed and validated for the simultaneous quantitation of 14 alkylation DNA adducts in cell genomic DNA, RNA and cell contents isolated from the in vitro cultured human kidney cell line 293 T and the human liver cell line L02 exposed to 3 genotoxic reagents: N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU), methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK). After exposure, DNA was isolated and directly hydrolysed under acid conditions or digested by enzymes to obtain the hydrolysates containing DNA alkylation adducts followed by optimization of the pretreatment method and chromatographic separation conditions. Quantification was performed on a Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH Amide column (1.7 μm, 2.1 × 150 mm) using an electrospray ionization (ESI) source in positive mode by selective reaction monitoring (SRM) at the precursor to product ion transitions of 14 analytes. The method showed selectivity, good linearity (r>0.9950), accuracy (82.1%–115%), and intra-day (RSD%<14%) and inter-day (RSD%<15%) precision for 14 analytes. The recoveries of two pretreatment methods were all more than 50.5%, and no relative matrix effects were observed. Additionally, the samples were stable after short-term storage at 20 ℃ for 2 h, at 4 ℃ for 48 h or one cycle of freeze-thaw at −80 ℃. The established UHPLC-MS/MS method was used to evaluate the changes in alkylation DNA adducts and epigenetic modification-related methylcytosine after exposure to genotoxic reagents. For the first time, the results demonstrated that 3 genotoxic reagents induced different total amounts of adducts in the following sequence: MMS > NNK > MNU, and showed significant differences in the ratios of 7MeG to 1MeA and 1MeG to 1MeA in the 293 T cell model. Meanwhile, 293 T and L02 cells revealed significantly different DNA adduct formation characteristics in the contents of 1MeG and 1MeA. The DNA adduct formation relationships between DNA, RNA, and cell contents were probed to predict cancer risk and potential genotoxic exposure. This approach could be used to investigate the DNA adducts, their formation and the relationship to the mutagenicity or carcinogenicity of genotoxic reagents in future studies.

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