
Preparation of Nano Vanadium Carbide (Chromium) Powder by Microwave Heating Method


Vanadium carbide (chromium) has excellent comprehensive properties. These good properties make it play a huge role in electrical and electronics, cemented carbide, steel metallurgy, etc. Due to the good chemical properties and thermal stability of vanadium carbide at high temperatures, when smelting some high-strength wear-resistant steel, low alloy steel and other special steels, adding an appropriate amount of vanadium carbide (chromium) can effectively promote the production of such special steels. The grain refinement and strengthening have greatly improved the hardness, strength, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, ductility, and other properties of special steel, thus improving the comprehensive performance of special steel.

Vanadium carbide (chromium) also plays a huge role in the field of electronic materials because of its good conductivity in the preparation of electrical and electronic instruments, which makes it more advantageous than traditional materials such as copper and aluminum. In recent years, the role of vanadium carbide (chromium) in the field of cemented carbide has attracted more and more attention. The use of vanadium carbide (chromium) as an inhibitor for WC-based cemented carbide has achieved great success in the experimental process. When preparing ultra-fine cemented carbide, adding an appropriate amount of vanadium carbide (chromium) as a grain growth inhibitor makes the prepared cemented carbide more stable in terms of strength and toughness, and can effectively reduce manufacturing costs. Cemented carbide prepared by this method has occupied a dominant position in many fields. With the continuous deepening of research on vanadium carbide (chromium), people can produce more types of vanadium carbide (chromium) products, making its applications in real life gradually increasing. At present, there are many preparation processes for vanadium carbide (chromium). According to the particle size, the preparation methods are mainly divided into two categories: nano-level vanadium carbide (chromium) and micron-level vanadium carbide (chromium).


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This article uses nanoscale carbon black and micrometer sized V2O5 as raw materials. The material is first crushed by a high-energy ball mill, and then nano vanadium carbide powder is synthesized by microwave heating. Combining the advantages of mechanical alloying and microwave heating methods, nano carbides are prepared at lower reaction temperatures and shorter reaction times. This article mainly studies the effects of reaction temperature and holding time on the phase composition and microstructure of nano vanadium carbide. In addition, using nano Cr2O3 and nano carbon black as chromium and carbon sources, due to their high specific surface area and activity, helps to reduce reaction temperature and shorten reaction time. In addition, microwave heating is a new heating technology that has higher efficiency than traditional heating methods. This article mainly studies the effect of reaction temperature on the phase composition and microstructure of nano chromium carbide powder, and discusses the reaction mechanism during microwave heating process.

Preparation Protocol

  • Raw Materials

The main raw materials used to prepare nano-vanadium carbide (chromium) powder by microwave heating method are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Main raw materials

Raw materialsPurity/%Particle size/specification
Carbon black>99.6<50 nm
V2O5>99.0Analytical pure
Cr2O3>99.9<60 nm
  • Preparation

Nano-vanadium carbide: The raw materials selected are micron-level V2O5 (analytically pure) and nano-level carbon black. A planetary high-energy ball mill is used to prepare the nano-level mixture. The experimental settings are that the speed of the ball mill is 300 r/min, and the ball-to-material ratio is 10:1, the solid-liquid ratio is 1 g:0.4 mL, and the carbon content is 32% and 34% respectively. After the mixture is ball milled and dried, it is put into a microwave multifunctional experimental furnace for microwave carbothermal reduction to synthesize nano-vanadium carbide. The reaction temperatures are 900 °C, 1000 °C, 1100 °C, and 1200 °C, respectively, and the holding times are 0.5 h, 1 h, 1.5 h, and 2 h, respectively.

Nano chromium carbide: Weigh a certain amount of nano carbon black (28%, mass fraction) and nano chromium oxide (72%, mass fraction) into a ball mill tank, and add an appropriate amount of cemented carbide balls and absolute ethanol. The ball milling speed is 150 r/min. After ball milling for 12 hours, the mixture is dried in a drying box at 100 °C for 4 hours. Put the dried mixture into a microwave sintering furnace and carbonize and reduce it in an argon atmosphere. The reduction temperature is 900-1200 °C and the reduction time is 1 hour. Finally, nano-chromium carbide powder is obtained.

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