
Comprehensive Guide to Polyacrylamide Gel Staining Techniques

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) stands as a cornerstone in the analysis of protein mixtures, allowing researchers to separate proteins based on size and charge. Staining of polyacrylamide gels is essential for visualizing proteins post-electrophoresis, providing critical insights for biochemical analysis, molecular diagnostics, and protein characterization. Staining methods vary in sensitivity, duration, and reversibility, catering to different experimental needs. Alfa Chemistry offers insights into optimal staining approaches for polyacrylamide gels, helping researchers ensure accuracy and clarity in protein visualization.

Coomassie Brilliant Blue Staining

Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB) is one of the most common staining agents used in polyacrylamide gel staining. This dye binds selectively to protein residues, creating a deep blue color that is highly visible. CBB staining is appreciated for its balance of sensitivity and simplicity, making it ideal for routine lab work and for gels requiring long-term storage.

Reagents Required for CBB Staining

  • Fixing Solution (500 mL): Composed of 250 mL methanol, 50 mL acetic acid, and 200 mL water.
  • Coomassie Brilliant Blue Staining Solution: 0.1% CBB, 40% methanol, 10% acetic acid. The solution should be filtered using Whatmann No. 1 filter paper to ensure clarity.
  • Destaining Solution: 50 mL methanol, 35 mL acetic acid.
  • Gel Storage Solution: 25 mL acetic acid and 475 mL water.

Fig.1 Coomassie brilliant blue staining of proteins.Fig.1 SDS-PAGE of crude wheat antigens. Coomassie brilliant blue staining of proteins from hard red winter wheat (HRW), Australian hard wheat (AH), Iksan Goso soft wheat (IGSW), Gyeongnam Jokyung wheat (GJW), Australian standard white wheat (ASW), and Gwangju Kumkang wheat (GKW) are shown[1].

Procedure for Coomassie Brilliant Blue Staining

A. Fixing the Gel: After electrophoresis, place the gel in a plastic tray containing the fixing solution, and fix the proteins by gently shaking on a shaker for approximately two hours.

B. Staining the Gel: Remove the fixing solution, add the Coomassie Brilliant Blue solution, and allow the gel to stain on a shaker for 2-4 hours.

C. Washing: Following staining, rinse the gel several times with distilled water to remove excess dye.

D. Destaining the Gel: Add the destaining solution to the gel and place on a shaker. Continue destaining for about four hours or until clear, blue protein bands are visible against a clear background.

E. Storage and Imaging: After destaining, transfer the gel to a storage solution and capture images as needed. Gels can be stored in the storage solution for long-term preservation.

This method provides stable and lasting results, preserving protein visibility for extended periods. At Alfa Chemistry, we recommend Coomassie staining for applications requiring robust, high-sensitivity protein detection.

Silver Staining

Silver staining offers unparalleled sensitivity, detecting proteins at nanogram levels, making it a preferred method for samples with low protein concentrations. This staining technique, while more complex, provides exceptionally sharp contrast and is thus indispensable in fields like proteomics where trace proteins are studied.

Required Reagents for Silver Staining

  • Fixing Solution: 50 mL ethanol, 10 mL acetic acid, 40 mL water.
  • 30% Ethanol Solution: For additional cleaning and preparation.
  • Silver Staining Protocol

A. Fixing the Gel: After electrophoresis, immerse the gel in the fixing solution for 40 minutes, or leave it overnight for a clearer background.

B. Ethanol Wash: Rinse the gel with 30% ethanol for 10 minutes, followed by a rinse with ultrapure water for another 10 minutes.

C. Sensitization: Incubate the gel in a sensitizing solution for 10 minutes, enhancing the binding efficiency of silver ions to the protein.

D. Silver Incubation: Replace the water and immerse the gel in a silver solution for 10 minutes to initiate protein binding.

E. Developing the Gel: Discard the silver solution and wash the gel briefly before developing the protein bands with a developer solution for 3-7 minutes.

F. Termination and Final Wash: To stop the development process, add 5 mL of stop solution to the developer, incubate for 5 minutes, and rinse in ultrapure water for 15 minutes before storage.

Silver staining is a favored choice for researchers who require heightened sensitivity and specificity. Alfa Chemistry suggests this method for laboratories focusing on sensitive protein assays and trace protein analysis, particularly in proteomic research.

Fig.2 Silver staining flow chartFig.2 Silver staining overview[2].

Reversible Staining with Copper

Copper staining offers a non-permanent solution to visualize protein migration and separation without interfering with downstream applications like Western blotting. Using copper chloride as a staining agent, this method allows for rapid and reversible protein detection, a practical choice for preliminary protein verification.

Reagents for Copper Staining

  • 0.3 M CuCl2 Solution, Tris-EDTA Solution (0.25 M Tris and 0.25 M EDTA, pH 9)

Procedure for Copper Staining

  • Water Wash: Rinse the gel with distilled water for up to 30 minutes post-electrophoresis to remove any residual buffer components.
  • Copper Staining: Soak the gel in 0.3 M CuCl2 solution for 10 minutes, allowing copper ions to bind to the proteins.
  • Deionized Water Wash: Rinse with deionized water until protein regions are visible as clear bands against a blue background.
  • Complete Destaining: To completely remove copper prior to further analysis, immerse the gel in the Tris-EDTA solution to eliminate copper staining.
  • Preparation for Transfer: After destaining, transfer the gel to transfer buffer for subsequent protein blotting.

This reversible staining process is advantageous for laboratories conducting high-throughput or rapid analysis. At Alfa Chemistry, we recommend copper staining as an adaptable, cost-effective option for preliminary protein assays that require subsequent processing.

Dual Staining: Enhanced Clarity with Coomassie and Silver Sequential Staining

For samples where maximum clarity is required, double staining can be beneficial, such as double staining sequentially with Coomassie and Silver. This approach leverages the simplicity of Coomassie with the high sensitivity of silver, resulting in distinct, intensively stained bands.

The dual-staining approach significantly enhances visualization, combining the strengths of both techniques for complex protein samples. Alfa Chemistry endorses dual staining for comprehensive protein profiling, particularly in applications requiring enhanced sensitivity without loss of band clarity.

Fig.3 Double staining for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisFig.3 SDS-PAGE analysis of dual-labeling. (A) Coomassie-stained image; (B1) Cy5 channel; (B2) Cy7 channel; and (B3) overlay Cy5/Cy7 channel. Fluorescence imaging was taken before Coomassie staining[3].


Polyacrylamide gel staining is integral to protein analysis, and each staining method offers distinct advantages in terms of sensitivity, visualization, and compatibility with downstream applications. Coomassie staining is optimal for routine analysis, while silver staining provides unmatched sensitivity. Copper staining, with its reversible nature, is particularly useful for assays requiring further analysis. For researchers demanding high-definition visualization, dual staining provides a practical solution. Alfa Chemistry continues to support researchers with high-quality staining reagents and protocols tailored to specific research needs, enabling precise protein visualization in polyacrylamide gels.


  1. Differential induction of allergy responses by low molecular weight wheat proteins from six wheat cultivars. Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry (2017).
  2. Differential affinity purification and mass spectrometry analysis of two nuclear pore complex isoforms in yeast S. cerevisiae. STAR Protocols (2023).
  3. RAFT Polymer-Antibody Conjugation: Squaramide Ester Chemistry Leads to Conjugates with a Therapeutic Anti-EGFR Antibody with Full Retention of Activity and Increased Tumor Uptake In Vivo. Molecular Pharmaceutics (2023).
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