
Fluorescent Yellow-Green Dye Tracers

The rapid diffusion of fluorescent dyes in water produces bright, easy-to-see colors that are ideal for identifying diffusion and dispersion patterns, rates of flow, discharge locations, seepage areas, sea marking, and more. Alfa Chemistry has been developing fluorescent tracers for many years, and we offer consumers a variety of specifications of fluorescent yellow-green dye tracers that are biodegradable and non-toxic, and work best in silt-filled waters. In addition, our products can be customized to meet your detailed requirements. If you need assistance, please feel free to contact us.


Product NameCatalog NumberGallons of Water for 1 ppm (Gal)AppearanceStorage
Fluorescent Flt Yellow-Green Dye Concentrate, GallonFT-YG001100000Liquid concentrateKeep container tightly closed and store in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area. Keep from freezing.
Fluorescent Flt Yellow-Green Dye Concentrate, PintFT-YG00212500Liquid concentrate
Fluorescent Flt Yellow-Green Dye Powder, 1 LbFT-YG003120000PowderKeep container tightly closed and store in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area. Store away from heat, sparks, open flame or any other ignition source.
Fluorescent Flt Yellow-Green Dye Tablets, 200 TabletsFT-YG00460Tablet

Why Partner with Us?

  • Quick turn-around times and favorable prices
  • Stick to finest quality standards during every steps
  • Professional fluorescent tracer knowledge and technical advice
  • Experienced and outstanding fluorescent tracer development team

Alfa Chemistry is fully committed to helping our customers all over the world solve any problems they encounter in their projects and accelerate their journey to success. We look forward to working with you.

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