501-36-0 Purity
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The molecular formula of Tetracycline is C22H24N2O8.
Some synonyms of Tetracycline are tetracycline, Deschlorobiomycin, Achromycin, Abramycin, Tsiklomitsin, and many more.
The chemical structure of Tetracycline can be visualized in 2D and 3D formats.
Tetracycline is classified as an irritant.
The CAS number of Tetracycline is 60-54-8.
Yes, Tetracycline is used in veterinary medicine under various brand names such as Liquamycin and Vetacyclinum.
Yes, Tetracycline is also used for internal use in certain medical applications.
The INN name of Tetracycline in Latin is Tetracyclinum.
Tetracycline should be handled with chemical safety precautions as it is an irritant. It is also important to follow dosage instructions and consult a healthcare professional for proper usage.
Yes, Tetracycline is available in different forms such as capsules, suspensions, and powders, depending on the intended use.