10185-69-0 Purity
10185-69-0 Purity
If you have any other questions or need other size, please get a quote.
Reference: [1]Annales de Chimie (Cachan, France),1938,vol. <11> 10,p. 281,360
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences,1937,vol. 205,p. 802
Reference: [1]Patent: DE2002491,1970,
Reference: [1]Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan,1990,vol. 63,p. 1738 - 1747
[2]Tetrahedron Letters,1985,vol. 26,p. 4211 - 4212
* For details of the synthesis route, please refer to the original source to ensure accuracy.